Feeling inadequate? Think about how long it took us to invent the wheeled suitcase

Feeling inadequate? Think about how long it took us to invent the wheeled suitcase

Human progress is amazing. We’ve come from living in cages to building space rockets and a global communication network that allows two people on opposite ends of the planet to have a real time, visual conversation thanks to supercomputers that fit into our pockets. Many innovations were inevitable. If, for example, whoever invented the wheel…

When you remix yourself, magic happens

The world is a stage and we’re all actors. No, wait, don’t leave. This is not a melodramatic teenager writing, it’s me. I’m talking about a theory by Erwing Goffman. According to the canadian sociologist we switch between different roles depending on who we’re interacting with. We know it intuitively: We’re not quite the same…

Your Crappy Place

Do you have a Happy Place? A corner in your mind you can turn to when you feel stressed and overwhelmed, a place that will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Maybe it’s a spot in the real world that you like to think of, a beach or a forest, maybe it’s a person,…